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Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Monday, November 26, 2012


got a present from en suami! :) a roses with some speeches


happy anniversary en suami :) may a year and years to come will tighten our relationship :)

and this one is an adhoc chocolate muffin that i made before en suami going back to perlis. buat terkejut2 jadik la pulak hahahaha....

notakaki: niat hati nak belanja p holiday kat melaka...hehehe, in sha Allah

tragedi merisaukan

da 2 hari izz tak berak! asik kencing je anak ibu ni...input banyak tapi outputnye none, seb bek kencing jugak huhu...

kejadian bermula hari en suami dtg dari perlis 24 november 2012...bermula episode izz buat perangai xmo tido, xmo berak asik nak susu je tak kira la direct bf ke, susu pam ke or susu formula...yang jadi mangsa main2 ngan die siapa lagi, abahnye la...hehehehe

tapi alhamdulillah, dalam2 buat perangai tu pun, izz taklah mengamuk aka menangis kecuali bile betul2 lapa je (time die nyusu). da masuk 3 minggu anak ibu, da start nak main ke? alahai, ibu da latak reti bermain time cmni...nnt time izz da besar yea sayang, da pandai berjalan, tiap2 hari ibu temankan...for now, ur auntie and ur abah will do, also ur nek wan...

dan bermula ari tu jugak, izz mewujudkan tangisan yang agak pelik semacam tangisan sebak....mimpi ape ntah. ataupun teringat kat abh die kot. dan bile en suami balik je...tiada lagi tangisan pelik tu...huh, pelik sungguh! dan sememangnye die rindu kat abah die kot...asik dok melekat je. jarang sebelum ni dok diam terjaga tanpa menangis, ni boleh pulak tgk tv sama2 dengan abah die...huhu jeles pun ade heheheh...but anyway, tak kesah pun, will make sure our 2nd child rapat ngan ibu plak :)

dan seperti yang dijangka, sebaik sahaja en suami pulang semula ke perlis, pagi isnin 26 november 2012, sebelum mandi, izz telah pun melaburkan segala bahan2 yang diperam selama 2 hari lepas! hahahaha...banyak giler smpi penuh pampers uuuuuuu...dasat anak ibu sorang ni. izz nak memerap ngan abah die rupenye....hehe dan rutin izz back to normal :)

izz yg sgt nenyak tido selepas puas berak! hahaha...semoga tidak sakit perut lagi yea sayang

notakaki: tak sabarnye menunggu izz besar...5 hari lagi, genap sebualn umur izz :)

Thursday, November 22, 2012

Universal Studio Singapore

hari ni nak bercerita tentang aka job trip aka honeymoon :D the date was on 28 december 2012 a month after our wedding.

my husband asked me if wanna join his job trip to UTHM and UTEM meanwhile having fun cross border go to Singapore. and of course i do...yeayyyyyyyyyyyyyy! tak kesah la job trip ke, his outstation ke yg penting if we can save a few ringgits while cuti, it will be awesome...

this is the pamphlet that we got as soon as we entered USS. the old one, the new one got a picture of transformer in it.

dearest husband...seronok dpt akhirnye smpi ke sini :)

right before kami sampai USS, the entrance to sentosa island...manmade island

the USS ticket...according to en suami, this ticet value RM197/pax! wow or is it the whole trip to singapore?...hmmmm

this is me and en suami :) seronok dpt bercuti as newly wed :) tapi lagi seronok klu dpt only two of us

the trademark of universal studio :)

picture in front of the guardian of firaun...kot, according to a friend la

those bags weren't ours...its our friends who switch places untuk main roller coaster. ad byk roller coaster inhere okeyyyyy....we can't manage to bring our goodies inside, untuk letak pada tempat penyimpanan bag tersangat la mahal cos, it value by hour! dollar to save the money, kami devide into 2 groups untuk main game. 1 group will main first then the other one akan take care of the goodies.

the weird water bottle!...hahah, thi stime we just entered jurassic park. one of the merchandise selling was this one :) scary huh?

my 2nd favourite picture :)

love these character in madagascar! mr boogiessssssssssssssss

king juliens...remember? i don't hahahha...dislike him

the main character of madagascar

end of trip to USS...there's alot picture taken but, too many to upload here though. so this is the end of USS trip. next is our merlion park trip. because of tracffic jam, getting out from USS at 1700, reach merlion park at almost 1900. 

the view from merlion park of this famous hotel at singapore : marina sand hotel where they have their luxury swimming pool at the top of the building! see how the structure look like papan luncur?...there's the swimming pool. jangan harap la nak bermalam kat situ. mahal okeyyy, hey rate on USD tau...even dollar singapore pun rasenye mcm tak berbaloi. 

this is the famous merlion statue....

permandangan malam kota singa from merlion park...crowded with tall buildings!

last picture...duta iklan coke :)

that's was it our trip to singapore...mainly went to USS so merlion park is a bonus for us :)

notakaki: next is cameron...

Saturday, November 10, 2012


welcome to the world!

may i present my new baby boy who was delivered at HUKM on 0156,
nama diberi setelah hampir seminggu  memikirkan nama yang sesuai.
kini genap umur mr izz 11 hari
tali pusat pun da luruh
selamat juga ditahnikkan
tinggal nak cukur rambut je...lebat! 
perlu dicukur before kenduri aqiqahnya nanti

alhamdulillah abah izz sempat menyambut sekali kelahiran mr izz ke dunia dan sempat juga diazan dan di iqamatkan....
syukur sgt2, nak buat sujud syukur boleh ke?...
hmmmm, tunggu suci dari hadas la, moga Allah memberi peringatan untukku membuat sujud syukur kepadaMu

ternyata hadiah paling bermakna untuk hari jadiku serta hadiah ulangtahaun perkahwinan kami yang pertama ;)

notakaki: tak sabar nak update mengenai mr izz pulak....

Monday, October 29, 2012

my baby 2nd gifts

a gift from my eldest sister :) set tilam kekabu...planning on putting in the baby cot. probably a little bit small but that's ok...

notakaki: will my baby sit tight in baby cot? to teach him somehow

Sunday, October 28, 2012

cheese cake unbaked

the taste is superb! but the cheese is too moist that we need to eat with a spoon! this time instead i use mc'vities, i use just a regular oat biscuit and its work...yeay! that;s mean u can use just any biscuit that u like :)

homemade cheese cake

notakaki: when will i make this cake perfectly... :(

Saturday, October 27, 2012

my mum's macaroni

akhirnye saya tahu how to mae mu mum's macaroni.... :) the secret ingredient!!! which is oregano...yes, saya tak kedekut ilmu so saya beritahu la...jgn lupe OREGANO okeyyyy... fav of my mum's beside her nasi lemak

tak sabar untuk cook this dishes again once abs pantang hmmmmm...

notakaki: there's alot of stiry to be told once i ready to tell...

Tuesday, October 23, 2012

first gift received!

my baby's first gift received! from my 2nd sister. a pureen hamper :)

1. sepasang baju n seluar panjang
2. 260ml botol susu (definitely pakai after a year)
3. lotion, shampoo, oil and bedak
4. mosquitoes repeller
5. pampers
6. wipers

notakaki: tak sabar nye nak kuakan budak ni!...

Wednesday, October 17, 2012


haha, not so diabetic menu :) just a burger with vegetables in it and a cheese......

tak nampak vege? well, i shredded into small pieces heheheh...easy to eat. 

1. cabbage
2. carrot
3. tomato (slices)
4. onion

then a cheese, the burger bread and meat burger which i fried using some black papper, white papper and salt soya ketchup (konon2 nak buat mcm burger yg jual kat gerai la) hahahaha....well, it turn out quite nice and most importantly i am FULL!

notakaki: yeay! bas suda bekalan daging burger :) puas...hehehe

Tuesday, October 16, 2012

my trial of western menu.

Hi!...i do love cooking :)

recently, western menu hehehe...stay tune for my first recipe for diabetic menu!

most of the menu i took either from martha stewart (everybody knew her), nigella lawson (love her because of her simple recipes) or everyday health

i'll try as possible as i can to make this post as beauty as any other recipe blogs :) 

notakaki: delicious...western is just an easy recipe with a quite an expensive ingredient heeee~

Saturday, October 6, 2012

Coney Frankfurter

well...tak sedap rasenye panggilan asal iaitu coney d** hehehhe, so ditukarlah kepada frankfurter. daripada roti impit kan...ahahahah lagi lucu :D

lately, sume yg rase nak makan sume buat sendiri....hehehe alhamdulillah walaupun tak sesedap kedai mungkin, tapi sekurang-kurangnye dpt la melempiaskan keinginan ini

so resipi?....

1. daging hancur
2. serbuk cili (saya pakai cili blend)
3. bawang merah dipotong kecik
4. bawang putih dipotong kecik
5. halia dipotong kecik
6. bawang banggali dipotong cube
7. serbuk kunyit
8. serbuk/daun oregano
9. garam
10. gula
11. sos cili (tomato puree pun boleh)
12. frankfurter (direbus/dibakar/digoreng) saya prefer rebus untuk hidangan ini.
13. roti frankfurter
14. sos cili

1. tumis bawang merah+bawang putih+halia sehingga garing. better tumbuk
2. masukkan cili blend (jia serbuk cili, jadikan paste) dan tumis sehingga masak.
3. masukkan sos cili dan kacau sehingga sebati
4. daging hancur dibasuh sehingga hilang warna darah dan digaul bersama garam+oregano+serbuk kunyit
5. masukkan daging hancur ke dalam tumisan rempah cili tadi dan biar sehingga daging masak.
6. masukkan bawang banggali dan garam serta gula. gaul hingga sebati, pastikan tiada kuah. jika berkuah, masak sehingga kering. sedia untuk diangkat
7. potong di tengah-tengah roti dan masukkan frankfurter yg siap direbus. letakkan sos daging hancur tadi dan akhir sekali sos cili untuk perasa tambahan.
8. siap untuk dimakan :)

notakaki: hmmm....da taktau nak makan ap huhu

Thursday, October 4, 2012

brocolli cream soup

yes i know the picture isn't nice as any other recipe blogs...hahahha, but i love it. and my sister's too...because we the only one yg makan mende2 mcm ni. hahahahah.... i added garlic bread to eat with this cream soup :)

i took the recipe from martha stewart's blog. here is the recipe: cream-broccoli-soup


1/4 cup (1/2 stick) unsalted butter
1 medium yellow onion, diced small
1/4 cup all-purpose flour (spooned and leveled)
4 cups low-sodium chicken broth
1 pound broccoli, cut into florets, stems peeled and chopped
1/4 cup heavy cream
Coarse salt and ground pepper


In a medium pot, melt butter over medium. Add onion and cook, stirring occasionally, until softened, 8 minutes.

Add flour and cook, stirring, until combined, 1 minute.

Whisking constantly, add broth and 1 cup water and bring to a boil over high. Reduce heat and simmer, whisking occasionally, 10 minutes.

Add broccoli and bring to a simmer. Cook until broccoli is very tender, 20 minutes.

Transfer mixture to a large bowl. In batches, fill a blender halfway with mixture and puree until smooth; to allow heat to escape, remove cap from hole in lid, cover lid with a dish towel, and hold down firmly while blending. Return soup to pot as pureed.

Add cream and heat over medium until warmed through. Season with salt and pepper. Thin with broth or water, if desired.

heheh, paham? here is the traslation:


1/4 cawan butter - saya pakai buttercup je
1 labu bawang (bawang banggali) dipotong dadu
1/4 cawan tepung serbaguna - saya pakai tepung gandum
4 cawan stok ayam - saya pakai stok ayam pekat + air
1 tangkat bunga brocolli dipotong kecil2 dan asingkan bunga dan batang
1/4 cawan heavy cream - saya pakai only 2 senduk penuh whipped cream biasa
serbuk lada hitam/putih - saya pakai lada hitam


Dalam periuk yg sederhana, cairkan butter. Masukkan bawang dan tumis, kacau sehingga lembut dalam 8 minit

Masukkan tepung dan masak dan kacau sehingga sebati dalam 1 minit.

Sambil kacau masukkan stok ayam. Biar sehingga mendidih dengan api yg tinggi. Perlahankan api dan kacau perlahan-lahan dalm 10 minit.

Masukkan brocolli dan reneh. Masak sehingga brocolli lembut dalm 20 minit.

Pindahkan campuran sup tadi ke dalam mangkuk besar. Secara berperingkat blend sup sehingga hancur. Masukkan semula sup ke dalam periuk sebagai pureed.

Panas dengan api sederhana dan masukkan krim, garam dan serbuk lada hitam/putih.  Ubahsuai krim sup dengan menambah stok ayam atau air jika mahu.

hmmm...boleh la kan translation nie. hahahahah.....another western breakfast. tak sure en suami akan makan or tak...yg pasti die akan rase tapi tak suke.hahahahha....

notakaki : next menu????...

Tuesday, October 2, 2012



seb bek tak terberanak on my birthday...hahahah...risau jugak :) and most importantly, my husband came to see us (me and his child, masih dlm perut) in KL. Just a weekend holiday coz he's got a lot of work to be done before taking quite a leave when it is time for his child to see the world....

my holiday is full of joy :)) glad to see him in front of me, next to me, holding my hand, hug me...miss him already....but the sacrifice must be made....

ok, my birthday present?...from him was a bouquet of flowers (without decoration), a night t-shirt (not gown okeyyyy) and strawberry which i convert into snow here : snow-pudding . and another one is  from my father is a secret recipe cake. my sister bought a banana chocolate for ME....actually for the whole family. that's it...and also a lot of wishing from friends in facebook...TQ guys/girls :)) already 27 can't believe me and my first child (wahhhh first gituuu, planning nak berapa org kak? hahaha) would be 27 yrs the time he/she enter university (hopefully) i already 45 yrs old...huhu

okey, below was my cake birthday. my husband present cannot be snap because of forgetfulness as the strawberry became a pudding, the flower is not fresh as before (planning on keeping them dry) and the tshirt is in washing machine...hahahhaah

notakaki: curious of knowing the birthdate of my child.....?????

Monday, October 1, 2012

snow pudding


kali ni snow pudding pulak. sempena pemberian en suami iaitu buah strawberi yang dibeli di cameron....hehhe :)

2 packs...banyak jugak then terfikir untuk buat something yang can include strawberi in my mine is strawberi pie tapi malas nak buat dienye base. hahahha

then my sis suggest pudding. then, search la kat tenet....lama jugak search, terjumpe la this blog with its recipe. of course gambar die lagi cantik la kan. die buat 3 layers but my sis did in 2 layers je.

ok the pic wasn't nice but the taste is great.....pemandangan tidak lah menarik coz telah pun selamat dipotong-poyong hehehehe...rasenye this is the best angle yg boleh snap. to see the recipe and also the nice pictures can click at the below blog.


source :

notakaki: en suami tak sempat merasa puding ni :(

Friday, September 28, 2012

Buat suamiku yang romantis lagi tercinta

Buat suamiku yang romantis lagi tercinta,
terima kasih kerana 'RINDU PADA AYANG'
walaupun teknologi sekarang canggih-canggih belaka
tapi jauh di mata dekat dihati kan abang?
terima kasih sebab abang selalu ingatkan tentang tanggungjawab dan kewajipan
mesti abang abang akan cakap 'ANYTHING CALL'
terima kasih juga sebab abang selalu ingatkan tentang tatasusila
Ayang bahagia dengan abang yang sangat romantis
tak sabar rasenye ingin pulang bersama-sama suami tercinta

Buat suamiku yang romantis lagi tercinta,
abang la HERO ayang sekarang
abang la AYAH kepada anak-anak ayang
abang la IMAM ayang
walaupun abang bukan seorang ustaz, tak pakai serban dan berjubah, tapi ayang bahagia
yang penting abang mampu mengajar ayang tentang agama
terima kasih abang kerana ABANGLAH SEGALANYA!!

Buat suamiku yang romantis lagi tercinta,
terima kasih tidak terhingga sebab membenarkan ayang menyambung pelajaran di negeri orang
walaupun jauh tapi masih tetap di semenanjung
pengorbanan abang tidak mungkin ayang lupakan
insyaAllah jika diizinkan kita akan buat 'PJJ' di universiti yang sama!!.....♥
boleh kan abang?

diilhamkan dari : surat-untuk-suami-tercinta-sweet

notakaki: nak tak post kt fb?...huhu, segan la

Pagi yg Western


genap sudah umur saya 27 tahun. di kalan umur sebegini la saya bakal dikurniakan dengan seorang anak dipenghujung bulan oktober. sebulan je lagi....birthday dekat dengan mummynye boleh la sambut sekali ahaks! jimat duit bapaknye...hahahah

anyway, tetibe bangun pagi yg serba indah sempena menunggu kedatangan si suami, sy nak buat spegetti plak untuk breakfast pagi. walaupun tahu, ayah tak berapa minat...hehehhe...nak buat kat en suami, die 2x5 ngan ayah...baik buat nasi goreng untuk depa...tapi tak kira, sy buat jugak tapi tak byk...masih ad my 2nd sister dan husband die.

taraaaaaaaaaa! ini lah breakfast saya di pagi hari jadi :) bersama2 segelas fresh milk...hahahaha, mmg italian

ooopppss! sy tak pakai sos spegetti prego yea...homemade okeyyyyyy :p. nak tau resipi?...check it out

1. mee spagetti
2. cili kering
3. bawang merah
4. bawang putih
5. halia
6. cendawan kering (direndam supaya kembang)
7. daging kisar
8. daun celeri (dipotong kecik2)
9. brokoli (dipotong kecik2)
10. cendawan butang (dipotong kecik2)
11. carrot (dipotong kecik2)
12. oregano
13 tomato puree (sy letak tomato sos sbb puree abis hehehhe)

1. rebus spegetti bersama-sama sedikit garam dan serbuk kunyit (kalau takde pun takpe) sehingga kembang dan ditoskan
2. rendam cili kering dengan air panas
3. kisar cili kering bersama-sama bawang merah, bawang putih, sedikit halia dan cendawan kering
4. daging kisar dibersihkan (sehingga hampir hilang warna merah) dan digaul bersama oregano dan sedikit serbuk kunyit
5. panaskan minyak dan tumis cili kisar sehingga masak
6. masukkan tomato + garam + gula + pak aji dan kacau sehingga sebati
7. masukkan daging kisar dan carrot
8. last sekali masukkan cendawan butang, daun celeri dan brokoli
9. kacau dan rasa...jika minat masukkan sedikit cukup rasa :)
10. siap untuk dihidang bersama-sama spegetti.

notakaki: speechless...masih tiada ucapan dari en suami....

Wednesday, September 26, 2012

"30 Things to Do Before 30"

1. married
2. mendaki gunung kinabalu
3. buy my own car
4. getting my master degree
5. ipad (i get samsung tab)
6. smart phone
7. buy my own oven
8. buy my own mixer
9. buy my own juice mixer
10. umrah
11. umrah
12. cook for open house
13. have at least 1 child boy/girl doesn't matter
14. live in our own house (me+husband+child)
15. going to Europe (probably 30+)
16. cameron highland
17. uss

notakaki: my list to do...

Puding Roti

Ntah kenape sejak balik ampang asik nak buat dessert je....hehehe mungkin sebab rumah di kangar juga batu pahat takde oven :) really need to buy one...

kali ini puding roti pulak:

1. Roti (sy pakai gardenia)
2. 11/2 cwn x fresh milk (ade certain recipe pakai susu cair)
3. 2 x telur ayam
4. Esen vanilla
5. 3 sudu besar gula pasir
6. kismis/coklat chip/buah

1. roti dicarik-carikan dan letak didalam loyang
2. taburkan kismis/coklat chip/buah diatas roti
3. kacau telur bersama esen vanilla dan gula sehingga berbuih....sebati
4. tuang perlahan-lahan fresh milk/susu cair ke dalam adunan tadi dan kacau sehingga sebati
5. tuang adunan ke dalam loyang berisi roti sama rata
6. panaskan oven dengan 180 degree
7. masukkan loyang ke dalam oven dan bakar selama 30-40 minit dengan suhu 180 degree
8. siap untuk dihidang...tapi sy prefer dihidang sejuk so, selapas siap sejukkan puding didalam peti ais :)

ini lah hasilnya....saya letak coklat chip sebab tu nampak biji2 hitam hehehe

notakaki: tibe2 rase tak sabar nak balik perlis pulakkkkk....