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Thursday, April 4, 2013

peplum dress...or kurung?

recently in this kurung fashion world there is a design which called peplum...for a start saya tak berapa nak suka this kind of design (i bet a this is the raya 2013 design) because it is actually the design from 70s or 80s mcm tuh...kind of design yg saloma selalu ke? dasas desus cmtuh la dan jugak design mmg tak menarik perhatian saya sungguh until....


i was amazed!!! suddenly wow....speechly lawa jugak peplum ni kan?...the combination of the colour and also the dress design and skirt...sure la lagi kain material yang agak mahal. already tgk regenye. RM220 is quite expensive for me....but i bet its worth kan? :) 

this is another one:

colour yang sweet...teringat tema kaler hantaran saya sewaktu bernikah....hehehe, kelabu+pink...rasenye klu time nikah dulu terjumpe peplum ni mau sambar sepasang hahahha, cume topup manik je...or lace

teringin la satu baju cmni, but of coz the price is too expensive for me, rase cm tak berbaloi beli...but anyway, mungkin akan letak dlm list of things wanna buy kan ngeh3x. oh ya jgn ty dimana boleh dpt these peplum yea...coz saya snap randomly so mmg da lupe kat mane. hehehehe