bukan senang nak senang, dan bukan susah nak susah....
let it be what it meant to be, just follow with the flow.
buat ape nak menyusahkan diri sendiri?
betul...tapi Allah suruh kita perbaiki diri sendiri. if u want to increase ur income money, then u need to increase ur education...
saya selalu ckp kat students...kamu ade peluang untuk jadik seorang engineer yang gaji riban2 but u have to sacrifice for about another 3 years to get a degree to qualified u to be an engineer....but, instead u stop ur education at diploma and become a technician or pembantu jurutera the reast of ur life....for government servant, if u don't have at least degree u cannot get 41 but if u have degree, u start at 41....so, choose.....
walaupun in private sector, for an engineer at least a degree holder....diploma? technician is applicable...bukan nak kata jadi technician tak boleh, instead kadang2 technician know more than an engineer cume their scope of job tidak sepayah engineer....well, with great power comes great responsibilities....ingat senang org nak bagi duit? fikir-fikirkan.....
like earlier said, jika ade peluang....so, grab the chance while we still can...baru-baru nie jugak, kerajaan lancarkan MyBrain15. so, bile Malaysia da jadi negara maju, SPM pun org da tak pandang, apatah lagi sijil, and diploma...degree??? to thin the chances are....at least a master holder....so, ape kes???? ingat senang nak jadi negara maju????....hahahahaha, negara maju is through education. if the rakyat still di takuk yang lama, negara takkan maju. confirmmmmmm.......tgk aje, jepun, german, us and uk....sampai nak belajar engineering pun, mereka yang berkelayakan akan memilih antara 4 negara maju nie....
research and development....through these 2, will bring the nation to a successful country. master in research???...senang sebab we only concentrate on what we are doing but it will take long term to finish especially in part time mode. then, another alternative is master in thought course ataupun coursework. nampak mcm senang sebab hadir kelas, buat assignment, hantar, hadir exam....sama mcm degree. but the truth is mcm teeeeeeeeeeeeeeetttttttttttttttttttttt...especially in part time mode.
now i know why my seniors otak mcm nak 'meletup' pikir keje lagi, assignment, final, exam budak2, keje itu, keje ini....
ade kes, this very officemate of mine...the quite one (already has family owkeyyyy) suddenly sing with his own voice (wow! amazing) together with the singer. his fav is jamal abdillah....hahahahaha
kelakar pun ade...now i knowwwwww.....
pecah otak beb!
mmg susah..mcm time niesz study dulu..rase nk giveup pon ade.. :)
ReplyDeleteagree with you!
ReplyDeleteuwaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa.....tapi takde mende yang senang kan?....huhu