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Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Thursday, October 31, 2013


31st October 2012 was the EDD for my boy to come out to the outside world and 31st October 2012 01:56am a healthy baby boy was delivered safely at Pusat Perubatan Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia (PPUKM) with 2.95kg of weight.

He is the one of 5% of delivered baby with the EDD. i am glad. so sharp :)

And now a year later he is still a healthy young baby boy. although he is not yet to be walking but he is learning. that's a challenge to mom n dad to teach you how to walk. i can just imagine that all the stuff in our home need to pull upside where you can't reach....

i am so glad that the 1st year is over but there will a years ahead for you to know the world and for us to face and to teach how to live and become a soleh, healthy and smart young man.

happy birthday to my dear son, Izz Amir Sofwan bin Ismail. mummy sorry that mummy cannot afford for now to celebrate your 1st birthday but mummy promise that mummy will celebrate when the times come (which is my payment is paid heheheh). but don't worry, my pray is always with you....stay young, stay happy, and stay smart :) may Allah protect you from all the darkness, evilness and sickness...amin

Thursday, September 26, 2013

my worst day ever!

lama tak update kat blog kan? sperti biasa alasan is malas and nothing much to story. mr izz pun since he is growing up alhamdulillah sihat sahaja.

actually this is my second night i cannot sleep...tido kejap but suddenly wake up in the middle of the night. cume last night i continue in my bed until otak ni penat kot, tertido sendiri but still bangun paginye a little bit early then usual. and tonight i decided to wake up, freshing up a little bit, and stay up in front of my laptop writing this blog.....derrrrrrrr...tomorrow? i dunno...and suddenly i feel hungry....warghhhhhhh

actually i feel a little bit frustrated because of my is not by accident but it is my husband and my dad's decision! why, because of my chicken pox!!! why do i have my chicken pox while i am in my early pregnant???? Tuhan nak menguji hambanya dengan pelbagai cara kan? and this is my ujian...either this decision the the right one or not i hope i won't make the big dosa.

there is no life yet in my womb and the doc (o&g specialist) suggest to not take the risk of having this child. the child could be imperfect or if he is perfect physically, he will be imperfect internally and probably his nerve or his brain or anything that can be happen while his mother (me) having a chicken pox in early pregnancy. but that is opinion from the non government klinik (i refer to klinik penawar at kuala perlis and also ins specialist centre at alor setar). in other hand, in the government hospital, they are not suggesting anything accept to take the paracetamol and calamine lotion. some doctor suggest to take an antiviral but that depend of my condition but in my case there is no need of antiviral. 2 doctors of government hospital won't suggest anything but in my 18-20 weeks of pregnancy, they will refer my case to the specialist for detail scan of the baby....well, if anything happen to the baby then we don't have a choice but to accept him as he is right? 18 weeks is already a complete fetus  with a life in it. i wonder if it is a girl or boy. but my gut tells me it is a girl. a girl with imperfect of something? i won't even think of it. but what if this baby is our life saver? our rezeki? our everything? then wouldn't it be miserable not having her around? just thinking of it make my brain spinning like crazy i want  to sleep!

and what if the doc don't really clean up my womb properly? then i will be in trouble! arghhhh i dunno what else to say or to think or whatever....i just hope i can be pregnant again asap to clean up my mind about this miscarriage. and i don't even hold and hug my son for a week now!!!!! because of my chicken pox.....arghhhhhhh

i hate when i have to face this kind of situation! hope this will be the last of my miscarriage....and hope my future pregnancy will be as healthy as my first pregnancy of mr izz. amin. may Allah bless my family and shower us with a lot of His blessing.

Thursday, August 1, 2013

check list ~pindah rumah~


hahaha…klu hubby bace post kali ni sure gelak sakan Smile ape taknye, rumah pun tak siap lagi baru naik tiang da berangan nak pindah rumah hahahaha…..well, berangan itu penting so that it will make that our target.

alkesahnye bermula dari pencarian design almari untuk izz, then terjumpe this blog yang menceritakan kisah die pindah and how she kemas all sort of her things, her husband’s and her son’s (especially la kan). suddenly wow! I like Smile and probably will make her blog a fav to do mine later…prob next year or prob next 2 years, walauapapun the idea is there. so, most of her things uses ikea punye product, why? because she said that product ikea is stalish yet organized walaupun dari segi tahan lamanye tak seberapa but if we take good care of them, they will long lasting. agreed! ni yang nak ajak hubby p jenguk ikea Smile and if possible to buy some of ikea’s product to bring home. ngeh3x

okey, here is the check list of our new home:

1. kitchen

2. dobby room

3. working room

4. izz’s partition (since his room gonna be the same as ours)

5. our’s partition

6. dressing room n ironing partition

7. toilet / shower room

ohhhh, tak sabarnye untuk mengemas…erkkkkkkk n tak suke mengemas if barang tak cukup. oleh sebab itu need to saving more and more strating when I get my first salary….yeahhhhh cayok!

Saturday, June 8, 2013

An extremely possible week!


hahaha, tak boleh blah tajuk Smile 


al kisah when supposely kami ade high voltage presentation thursday ago in the afternoon right after our test 2. yes…our mini project presentation: with including:

1. montage

2. full report

3. fila table for 4 weeks

5. 4 minute meetings

6. an a3 poster

7. a seminar paper (ieee format)

8. the insulator prototype and testing


huh…mcm la this sem nie we only doing high voltage je…Sad smile. then I got assignment 2 presentation for bisensor (another taken subject)….

1. 15 example of case studies in a proceeding paper or journal

2. slide presentation for each of the example study

4. hardcopy n emailing the softcopy



mmg mula2 rase tak bernafas mengenangkan yg draft thesis pun x siap lagi Sad smile Sad smileSad smileSad smile but apekan daya perlu jugak tempuh since I don’t want to extend. kecian kat anak berjauhan dgn abahnye, kesian jugak kat suami berjauhan dengan anak…the most importantly, kesian kat diri sendiri coz terabai seketika tanggungjawab sebagai isteri Sad smile alhamdulillah en suami berkorban sementara waktu…

lagi menambahkan serba salah ni is bile a friend suddenly called told that en suami mengalami xcident! seb bek tak pandu kete time tu….alhamdulillah, x teruk sgt cume patah bahu kanan, pergelangan tangan dan juga sedikit luka di kaki…taruk lagi time aku dulu kot …..

hati meronta2 nak balik but byk lagi keje tak siap…and if balik, mmg kene bambu la ngan lect and totally akan dpt markah rendah which is cpa nnt below 3…da la cpa aku pun cukup2 makan je ni. so almost everyday we contact thru skype buat video call….thanks to MIL and FIL, they are near so en suami bercuti di kampung…semoga sembuh dengan cepat yea en suami.amin

to have a title as a student as well as a wife and a mother is much tougher than I thought. million of thanks dedicated to my lovely husband for his million of support. love you so much!!!!! the appreciation also goes to my FIL and MIL for taking care of him while I am away….and my parents for taking their time to stay with me in taking care of my son. without them, I couldn’t imaging of having this master degree. hopefully, I am doing well with this master degree project as well as my other two subject. amin

Sunday, May 19, 2013

Windows Live Writer


If my writing now is published later, then my account in windows live writer is successful Smile….bertahun try using this account tapi hampa huhu…tak tau kenapa. and thank you to kak ernie coz introduce this method 2 years ago hikhikhik

2013-04-17 15.30.52

love this pic of izz Red heartRed heartRed heart

Thursday, April 4, 2013

peplum dress...or kurung?

recently in this kurung fashion world there is a design which called peplum...for a start saya tak berapa nak suka this kind of design (i bet a this is the raya 2013 design) because it is actually the design from 70s or 80s mcm tuh...kind of design yg saloma selalu ke? dasas desus cmtuh la dan jugak design mmg tak menarik perhatian saya sungguh until....


i was amazed!!! suddenly wow....speechly lawa jugak peplum ni kan?...the combination of the colour and also the dress design and skirt...sure la lagi kain material yang agak mahal. already tgk regenye. RM220 is quite expensive for me....but i bet its worth kan? :) 

this is another one:

colour yang sweet...teringat tema kaler hantaran saya sewaktu bernikah....hehehe, kelabu+pink...rasenye klu time nikah dulu terjumpe peplum ni mau sambar sepasang hahahha, cume topup manik je...or lace

teringin la satu baju cmni, but of coz the price is too expensive for me, rase cm tak berbaloi beli...but anyway, mungkin akan letak dlm list of things wanna buy kan ngeh3x. oh ya jgn ty dimana boleh dpt these peplum yea...coz saya snap randomly so mmg da lupe kat mane. hehehehe

Monday, March 25, 2013

Mom & baby expo 2013

Haha last time borong barang baby borong barang izz for 6 mnth above ;)

Targets are lampin and baju jalan...and finally I got what I want cume 1 je stocking yg ad flush toys kt hujung kaki tu....izz ad sepasang tp agak besar huhu....

Lampin eithet drypers or petpet....actually nk beli petpet but by that time saiz m tgh restok so kne tgu la plk. Sy nk balik drypers la jdik mangsa. Murah pun lg murah dr petpet ok la...

4x weeweedry = rm118 so jatuh 1 pack rm29.50! Sy beli 2x saiz m80 and 2x saiz l68 ok what...haha

3xpetpet =rm99 free 1 pack of 40 1 pack jatuh rm33 and same saiz m80

Baju izz plk beli baju jln je....baju umah da banyak kidnap kak alia die punye (credit to kak norlia) hehe da lm cari baju yg ad hood and jeans tp x jumpe jean jumpe kindda seluar slack. Ok lerrr....x beli romprs sbb x berminat...jumper is ok...

Conclusion is rasenye bekalan baju izz da cukup until he is 1y....cume topup lampin and susu. And I think lampin and susu pun da cukup bekalan tuk 2 bulan hopefully izz ibu punye gaji these 2 months ibu nk beli tudung yea ;)  abah pun boleh la pakai beli personal things ;)

Friday, March 15, 2013

Pain pain and pain

Ok, lately pain in my whole body....back chest, pinggang and lutut...whoaaaaaa its hard for me to sit in a long time of period which is I need to because of a long queue of assignments and project! Huhuhuhu.....this happened slowly right after given birth to mr izz. Well probably not strictly berpantang and I stop berurut when izx 1 month old...there's 3 month diff since mr izz is now 4 month old...what to say, padan muka!

Yesterday just called tukang urut cik ros for the urut process....she claim a lot of things including my peranakan agak turun sikit.well, some people is sensitive some are not. In my case I really dunno...hehe so she just 'naikkan' and advice not to do a heavy job such as lifting a heavy object. That is the main reason though.okayyyy cik ros...

As for my other part of pain....that is because of heavy work ( I can call that stress) and also not enough sleep....yeke hmmmmm? People usually menghadap komputer almost all the time, too much berjalan etc tend to get this sort of pain especially when they are not having and sort of urut....I mean going to spa and having a massage also can release this things right...but not doing that when u r really sick like myself huhu...

Once a month is ok right? for now I need intensive care by having berurut once a week! The pain of having berurut yesterday not recover yet.....waaaaaa :(

So, any of the readers having or had tjis sort of prob? Care to share? Tq :)

Tuesday, March 12, 2013


Okeyyyyy.....I just started my master class in 2 weeks and already got tonnes of homework! Not including my master project! Huhu

1. Simulations
2. Chapter 1-3 of theses
3. Antibody immobilization
4. Lab report on chemical analyzer
5. Hv

Conculation @_@

Izz new toy

Lamaze izz new toy :)

Every inch got its own structure so the baby would hold to a different surface n structure. The head got music! Just cost me rm20+rm6 for postage.i am not sure the price at the bb shop though...

Sunday, March 10, 2013

New item for izz

Seb bek la anak laki....klu anak pompuan ibu die ni da giler membeli agaknyeeeee...
Sweater and shoes for izz. Actually shoes tu x perlu pun xp tp sbbkn satu peristiwa ni...

Pergi honda showroom for their newly launch crv. Meeting with this couple with their bb boy. Sebaya izz kot but he has already wearing shoes! Cian anak ibu xde kasut....hehehe so we all singgah carrefour jap b4 balik rumah beli these item sweater n shoes for izz :)

Disbbkn ibu die agak kedekut my dear son this shoes n sweater are meant until u r a year older okeyyyyy darling....hehe

Friday, March 8, 2013

Papa bag for abah izz :)

Ok this is what I got at onebabyworld....a diaper bag for papa that they used to call papa bag. Why buy? Easy to go for holiday yeayyyy....last time went to melaka we use my laptop bag as diaper bag.all of our things also got stuck in it is not convinient plus with izz's things.
This bag from onebabyworld is nuch cheaper than others. Only rm56 than rm89.90....probably that one is much bigger than this one. Buy it is still convinient :)

Wednesday, March 6, 2013


Minum herbalife starting today usong izz's food blender....hahaha izz, ibu pinjm ur blender yea :d

Oooppsss jgn slh sangka...izz x start lg solid food.only his blender sy da beli siap. Another 2 months to go b4 his first solid food yeahhhh....ibu x saba nk cari resipi baby food ni hehe

Tuesday, March 5, 2013

Izz 4 bulan

Hari nie izz da pandai pegang kaki sendiri wink wink...
Last time pandai meniarap sendiri tp msih lg x pandai nk pusing balik.after a few minutes then he will jerit asking for turn him back....ayoyoyoyo
Now still x pndi lg pusing after meniarap but he will angkat punggung die...hmm why? Nk merangkak da ke.oh my son please follow the step okeyyy
Bila meniarap, angkat2 punggung patutnye makin kedepan ni tak die mskin kebelakang pulak....Adoiiii izz

Okey, psl master class pulak my biosensor class only have 3 students jeeeeee....wooowweeeee
And our first class was actually at dr majadi's office.wakaka....lawak pun ad.and yes dr mahadi is my supervisor for my master project.

Ok, sekian dulu ari ni.assalammualaikum peace

Friday, January 25, 2013


24 JANUARI 2013

notakaki: sungguh gembira dengan perkembangan sambutan maulud di malaysia... :)

Sunday, January 13, 2013

My Handsome Boy!

at last, i finally get to buy my son's dresser :) not as expected but at least he has a dresser to keep his outfit. actually the dresser was a shoe rack.hahahha....kejam sungguh ibumu ini....turn the show rack into closet :) the real one will gonna buy when we move to our home this september 2013 okeyyy young boy :)

hmmm...banyak jugak since his mom punye baju, not so banyak than this....banyak di perlis la baju ibu die kan hehehehe....this one tak termasuk baju yg besar for 6 months and above. most as sumbangan sister in law. 

as for formula milk...he turns the s-26 sma glod into frisolac gold :) alhamdulillah, murah sikit budget mak bapakmu wahai anak....dan alhamdulillah jugak susu badan also is enough for him. so hopefully 1 tin of fomula milk is enough for about 1 month ++. don,t forget that frisolac was his mom's childhood milk! hehehehe....mesti la ikut mak kan :)

notakaki: still...he is a kind yang memang simpan taik! adoiiiii....

Monday, January 7, 2013

A perfect place to buy everything needed in a home

yes...Rengit is the perfect place to buy everything needed in a home! especially the one who has limited in his/her budget (me la kan :p)

when bring a child living together, we are not expect to get a life mcm bujang trang tang tang la kan. these are the item needed and i am kind of buying them.

fridge: for food and most importantly for milk. susu ibu la....besar kan? well item from singapore, tak men la  kecik2 kak...this one antara yang the smallest, best and cheapest that i can find (my dad la). RM450 including delivery. bile melibatkan food, it is better if we can samak that thing first.

buaian izz....rm40 je sgt2 cun!. surprisingly, the spring is mine long time ago.hahahaha....turun temurun nampak :) 

baby cot for izz...need to be biasakan him with katil as this baby cot can turn into toddler bed!. rm150 je sgt2 murah....self delivery of course :) naza citra en suami sgt besar...muat je

there are other items that we can buy. meja makan, katil, stroller ect. perghhhh sgt byk la....while i am here, i will buy a few for my parents' new home at pajam. yela, after a year....boleh la punggah brg2 ni hantar ke pajam :)

notakaki: hmmm...hehehe