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Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Tuesday, April 10, 2012


happy with your appearance
glad you already be there
thanks to Allah for give me this opportunity

may this sickness end as soon as possible
and can run this home as normal as i can
although the cooking is not as good as my two moms

dizziness, throwing food up, sleepiness sickness
really make my day totally off, shut down
cannot imagine some people were worse than me while i am in this situation enough.

hopefully 3 months are enough for this sickness that  to come not all the time

notakaki: dizzy again, need to sleep


  1. :D

    tahniah! kakyus aritu sickness on 1st trimester je. muntah, sakit kepala, demam & xlalu makan. tp msk bln ke-4 sume ok. muntah dah jarang2, makan sume xde masalah. n paling seronok sbb ibu mengandung ni mmg rmai yg bg attention & take care. so, enjoy your precious moments. jgn buat keje lasak2, kena byk rest & makan bkhasiat. esp 1st trimester ni. n buat jgk check up kat klinik swasta instead of just KK. (byk giler pesanan... hihihi)

  2. tq...:)

    thanx kak yus for the info. will do tunggu je la bile nak abs all the nausea ni.huhu...
