hahaha…klu hubby bace post kali ni sure gelak sakan ape taknye, rumah pun tak siap lagi baru naik tiang da berangan nak pindah rumah hahahaha…..well, berangan itu penting so that it will make that our target.
alkesahnye bermula dari pencarian design almari untuk izz, then terjumpe this blog yang menceritakan kisah die pindah and how she kemas all sort of her things, her husband’s and her son’s (especially la kan). suddenly wow! I like and probably will make her blog a fav to do mine later…prob next year or prob next 2 years, walauapapun the idea is there. so, most of her things uses ikea punye product, why? because she said that product ikea is stalish yet organized walaupun dari segi tahan lamanye tak seberapa but if we take good care of them, they will long lasting. agreed! ni yang nak ajak hubby p jenguk ikea
and if possible to buy some of ikea’s product to bring home. ngeh3x
okey, here is the check list of our new home:
1. kitchen
2. dobby room
3. working room
4. izz’s partition (since his room gonna be the same as ours)
5. our’s partition
6. dressing room n ironing partition
7. toilet / shower room
ohhhh, tak sabarnye untuk mengemas…erkkkkkkk n tak suke mengemas if barang tak cukup. oleh sebab itu need to saving more and more strating when I get my first salary….yeahhhhh cayok!