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Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Monday, November 26, 2012


got a present from en suami! :) a roses with some speeches


happy anniversary en suami :) may a year and years to come will tighten our relationship :)

and this one is an adhoc chocolate muffin that i made before en suami going back to perlis. buat terkejut2 jadik la pulak hahahaha....

notakaki: niat hati nak belanja p holiday kat melaka...hehehe, in sha Allah

tragedi merisaukan

da 2 hari izz tak berak! asik kencing je anak ibu ni...input banyak tapi outputnye none, seb bek kencing jugak huhu...

kejadian bermula hari en suami dtg dari perlis 24 november 2012...bermula episode izz buat perangai xmo tido, xmo berak asik nak susu je tak kira la direct bf ke, susu pam ke or susu formula...yang jadi mangsa main2 ngan die siapa lagi, abahnye la...hehehehe

tapi alhamdulillah, dalam2 buat perangai tu pun, izz taklah mengamuk aka menangis kecuali bile betul2 lapa je (time die nyusu). da masuk 3 minggu anak ibu, da start nak main ke? alahai, ibu da latak reti bermain time cmni...nnt time izz da besar yea sayang, da pandai berjalan, tiap2 hari ibu temankan...for now, ur auntie and ur abah will do, also ur nek wan...

dan bermula ari tu jugak, izz mewujudkan tangisan yang agak pelik semacam tangisan sebak....mimpi ape ntah. ataupun teringat kat abh die kot. dan bile en suami balik je...tiada lagi tangisan pelik tu...huh, pelik sungguh! dan sememangnye die rindu kat abah die kot...asik dok melekat je. jarang sebelum ni dok diam terjaga tanpa menangis, ni boleh pulak tgk tv sama2 dengan abah die...huhu jeles pun ade heheheh...but anyway, tak kesah pun, will make sure our 2nd child rapat ngan ibu plak :)

dan seperti yang dijangka, sebaik sahaja en suami pulang semula ke perlis, pagi isnin 26 november 2012, sebelum mandi, izz telah pun melaburkan segala bahan2 yang diperam selama 2 hari lepas! hahahaha...banyak giler smpi penuh pampers uuuuuuu...dasat anak ibu sorang ni. izz nak memerap ngan abah die rupenye....hehe dan rutin izz back to normal :)

izz yg sgt nenyak tido selepas puas berak! hahaha...semoga tidak sakit perut lagi yea sayang

notakaki: tak sabarnye menunggu izz besar...5 hari lagi, genap sebualn umur izz :)

Thursday, November 22, 2012

Universal Studio Singapore

hari ni nak bercerita tentang aka job trip aka honeymoon :D the date was on 28 december 2012 a month after our wedding.

my husband asked me if wanna join his job trip to UTHM and UTEM meanwhile having fun cross border go to Singapore. and of course i do...yeayyyyyyyyyyyyyy! tak kesah la job trip ke, his outstation ke yg penting if we can save a few ringgits while cuti, it will be awesome...

this is the pamphlet that we got as soon as we entered USS. the old one, the new one got a picture of transformer in it.

dearest husband...seronok dpt akhirnye smpi ke sini :)

right before kami sampai USS, the entrance to sentosa island...manmade island

the USS ticket...according to en suami, this ticet value RM197/pax! wow or is it the whole trip to singapore?...hmmmm

this is me and en suami :) seronok dpt bercuti as newly wed :) tapi lagi seronok klu dpt only two of us

the trademark of universal studio :)

picture in front of the guardian of firaun...kot, according to a friend la

those bags weren't ours...its our friends who switch places untuk main roller coaster. ad byk roller coaster inhere okeyyyyy....we can't manage to bring our goodies inside, untuk letak pada tempat penyimpanan bag tersangat la mahal cos, it value by hour! dollar to save the money, kami devide into 2 groups untuk main game. 1 group will main first then the other one akan take care of the goodies.

the weird water bottle!...hahah, thi stime we just entered jurassic park. one of the merchandise selling was this one :) scary huh?

my 2nd favourite picture :)

love these character in madagascar! mr boogiessssssssssssssss

king juliens...remember? i don't hahahha...dislike him

the main character of madagascar

end of trip to USS...there's alot picture taken but, too many to upload here though. so this is the end of USS trip. next is our merlion park trip. because of tracffic jam, getting out from USS at 1700, reach merlion park at almost 1900. 

the view from merlion park of this famous hotel at singapore : marina sand hotel where they have their luxury swimming pool at the top of the building! see how the structure look like papan luncur?...there's the swimming pool. jangan harap la nak bermalam kat situ. mahal okeyyy, hey rate on USD tau...even dollar singapore pun rasenye mcm tak berbaloi. 

this is the famous merlion statue....

permandangan malam kota singa from merlion park...crowded with tall buildings!

last picture...duta iklan coke :)

that's was it our trip to singapore...mainly went to USS so merlion park is a bonus for us :)

notakaki: next is cameron...

Saturday, November 10, 2012


welcome to the world!

may i present my new baby boy who was delivered at HUKM on 0156,
nama diberi setelah hampir seminggu  memikirkan nama yang sesuai.
kini genap umur mr izz 11 hari
tali pusat pun da luruh
selamat juga ditahnikkan
tinggal nak cukur rambut je...lebat! 
perlu dicukur before kenduri aqiqahnya nanti

alhamdulillah abah izz sempat menyambut sekali kelahiran mr izz ke dunia dan sempat juga diazan dan di iqamatkan....
syukur sgt2, nak buat sujud syukur boleh ke?...
hmmmm, tunggu suci dari hadas la, moga Allah memberi peringatan untukku membuat sujud syukur kepadaMu

ternyata hadiah paling bermakna untuk hari jadiku serta hadiah ulangtahaun perkahwinan kami yang pertama ;)

notakaki: tak sabar nak update mengenai mr izz pulak....