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Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Wednesday, September 28, 2011



hahaha, tak malu wish diri sendiri
bia la ;p

hadiah birthday untuk diri sendiri pulak....hmmmmmm
will update later on my next entry :)

Friday, September 23, 2011

my job

kerja jadi penat bile kene handle makmal 2 subjek dari 4 program:

diploma kejuruteraan elektrik-dkt225
ijazah sarjana muda kejuruteraan sistem elektrik-eet108
ijazah sarjana muda kejuruteraan sistem tenaga-eet108
ijazah sarjana muda kejuruteraan elektronik industri-eet108

tapi terus terang saya beritau tahu yg I LOVE MY JOB! beri ilmu pada mereka yang memerlukan ilmu terasa diri ini betapa hebatnya di mata mereka :) adik-adik yang dikasihi walaupun mereka hanya mengingati kita sewaktu dalam proses pengajaran shj.

love your job, and the job will love you...

pernah teringat sewaktu kecil, beria taknak mengikut jejak langkah family untuk menjadi guru. akhirnya, profesion guru jugak yang memberi rezeki pada diri ini, dan profesion guru jugak membuatkan diri ini bertemu jodoh.

notakaki: dgn hati yg ikhlas saya maafkan awak. 

Sunday, September 18, 2011

Konvokesyen UniMAP kali ke-6


17 September 2011 was his convocation for his postgraduate in UniMAP. the only thing i gave him was a wish card ;)

Flowers below is actually from his friends who take an advantage of me in given him these pink flowers...thank you guys...(sambil mata tgk atas tangan kat bahu) hahahahah

anyway, really... thanks to you guys. i wasn't have enough courage to buy him one :D sorry dear....only wishing card from me :)

why highlighted his name? i said before, for now, let me keep him to myself...until the day will come where i will announce who exactly he is :)...the mysterious guy from the northern of Malaysia....tungggguuuuuuu

forget to snap my wishing card for him...the outside only of course...the inside is for him to read not yours! :p maybe next time....

notakaki: mine is in 2013 (insyaAllah)...wish me luck! all the best to me

Thursday, September 15, 2011


Ya Allah, permudahkan lah urusan hambaMU ini 


notakaki: jauhkan fikiran negative yang mula berswang di kepala otak ni...huhu

Friday, September 9, 2011

list 2

list tambahan from this week punye list:

1) confirmation from school of bahan
2) confirmation from pembangunan
3) hiv test
4) test2 dkt225
5) final exam dkt225
6) mqa - filing (sy ni muka file kot)
7) bem,iem,ieee etc - again filing
7a) update softcopy
8) reben
9) printer
10) sabun 
11) preparation for lab eet108 - with foreigner student!

this list is from previous...

11) speech
12) meja
13) song

aiyooo tambah lagi 10 ka? confirm tak dpt abs this week since this week hanya ari ni je tinggal...will do at my best! chaiyokkkkk

notakaki: nothing to say, just work to do...

Wednesday, September 7, 2011


Assalammualaikum wbt...first of all:

probably some already know this but some still WHAT! hahaha...really, i am getting married...i cannot believe myself either that i am somebody's fiancee! because at sometimes dahulu kala, pernah terpikir i cannot be married with anybody else...i am not perfect, i can do anything but not good in paham?hahaha...senang cite, i can cook but not that good...i can saw, but not perfect, i can do some decoration but as simple as abc (perumpamaan), i am good a driving but still driving above 140km/h would scare me off...hahaha...

i have been his fiancee for almost 3 months now and we will getting married in 3 months time. ade jugak member2 bertanya, siapakah gerangan diri yg bertuah itu?...hmmm, for the time being, i think i will keep the person to myself until he is confirmed to my husband :) sorry dear...kalau ikutkan hati kepala otak ni, nak aje bagi tau satu dunia but for some reason i think better not...sooner or later u guys/gurls will know jugak...

to this blog, i just wanna share with u all about my BIG day! my babbling and my journey to become his wife also a little bit about my preparation. since probably, i need to save all the websites and shops address and all the goods in here so that i can review back from the future where my kids and my grandkids can also read (waaahhhh...berangan lagi) and for my sis's wed...mane la tau kan...also for all the b2b out there yg mane tersinggah, terlekat dan terbace blog ni...this is an open blog no need invitation :)

this is where i can show off my excited and my dream instead of fb where byk sgt parasit, kuman-kuman dan virus yang least di sini, hanya mereka yg menjadi ahli ahj boleh comment.heheheh....the others just can read....

I LOVE MY BLOG! boleh tak?...i started this blog since 2009 where i first started my career as a 'teacher'. and now is 2011...2 years already and i am still here waiting to explore more about this world. ok then, hopefully my next entry would help others in searching or ideas in decoration and whateverrrr...daaa

notakaki: i am b2b! yeahhhhhh....

Monday, September 5, 2011

Kegilaan J-Pop

teringat zaman belajar where gile j-pop! salah satu lagu fevret is sakura mankai dr morning musume.

sakura mankai bermaksud cherry blossom:

The color of cherry blossoms, the person who doesn't return my love
The color of cherry blossoms, when our eyes meet, my cheeks color

Little by little, I'm becoming an adult
But it's no good, we won't have a conversation
In the hall he seems so energetic
He's smiling, in his eyes
Ah, the cherry blossoms are in full bloom
Hey, the cherry blossoms are in full bloom, in my heart
The words just won't come
The flowers of love are in full bloom
Well, when I say what's on my mind
Ah, my small heart seems to burst
So then, then I tell him, I'll hold him
The color of cherry blossoms, the color of first love
The color of cherry blossoms, for the first time like this
Can I really be in a good relationship little by little?
I want to, even if it takes hundreds of years
I wonder if his box lunch would be large enough
Even if it were made by me...
Ah, the cherry blossoms are in full bloom
Hey, the cherry blossoms are in full bloom, I love you too much
It's as though no one else but you
Is reflected in my eyes
Well, you're here
Ah, you are standing before my eyes
My determination is firm for this love
Come with me...
Ah, the cherry blossoms are in full bloom
Hey, the cherry blossoms are in full bloom, in my heart
The words just won't come
The flowers of love are in full bloom
Well, when I say what's on my mind
Ah, my small heart seems to burst
So then, then I tell him, I'll hold him
My determination is firm for this love
Come with me...

the translation from romaji lyric

notakaki: berangan ngeti ckp jepun...wakaka

works that never done!


nak kata byk kerja tak la sgt tapi non-stop works!

this is my checklist:

1. jadual waktu degree including kuliah dan makmal
2. confirm with school komputer
3. test 2 dkt225
4. lab test dkt225 
5. final exam dkt225
6. cake
7. muffins
8. guest book
9. kasut kawan
10. peti ais
11. baju
12. dulang
13. jubah
14. claim
15. deal ngan school komputer about final exam dkt225
16. hadiah
17. kad
18. speech
19. meja
20. songs
21. buku

mesti ade someone yg kata: "itu pun nak letak dlm blog"...then i will say: "suka ati aku la, aku nak kata aku da bertunang ke, da kawen ke, masih single ke, da ade anak ke, keje belambak ke, dok lepak sj kat opis smbil boleh update blog ke...ade aku kesah?" least aku tak menangis soran2 mcm kerang busuk...kerang pun x nangis...

perempuan mmg mcm ni, mesti ade tempat untuk diluahkan segala terpendam. so, telan je la...takmo telan jgn bace! tutup mulut...shushhhhhh...zippppppp...

this week punye kerja is to do all the works above so that i will come out with my new list next week. another 20 lists to do...Ya Allah permudahkan urusan hambaMu ini

notakaki: subhanallah, aku mencintainya...subhanallah, aku menyayanginya

Friday, September 2, 2011

Syawal 1432

3rd Syawal 1432H...

Selamat Menyambut Hari Raya Aidilfitri Maaf Zahir & Batin. Ditujukan buat semua pembaca juga rakan-rakan, kaum keluarga dan en. tunang :)

selamat tiba di kg halaman, tempat dilahirkan dan dibesarkan. walaupun kg, ianya adalah bandar sebenarnye. malamnya pulak, sempat jugak sy menyiapkan sekotak lagi 'assignment' bulan 11 nnt. hehehehe...ok, another 12 kotak to go tau! rumah kakak jadi mangsa.

cian pulak nak tinggal pada mama ngan kakak2 untuk buat kerja tu...jadinya, insyaAllah another 1 kotak akan disiapkan pada 4th Syawal before balik semula ke Perlis pada 5th Syawal nnt.

1st Syawal 1432H

Tahun ke-2 beraya 1 Syawal di Kuala Lumpur dan tahun ke-2 juga balik ke kampung selepas solat sunat aidilfitri. Alhamdulillah akhirnya, 1 family dapat berkumpul dan beraya 1 Syawal bersama :)

2nd Syawal 1432H

Kesihatan nenek tidak membenarkan untuk bersendirian dirumah apatah lagi berjalan-jalan berjumpa sanak saudara. Akhirnya kami mendahulukan mereka yang sepatutnya berkunjung menziarahi kubur arwah maksu, arwah pakteh dan arwah moyang. nenek duduk dirumah ditemani kami adik beradik...cian nenek, asik2 nak kene diurut kurus jadinya.

apa pun, syukur, nenek masih mampu untuk berjalan dan bercakap mcm biasa malah makin galak pulak. ishhhh...seriau pulak tgk nenek ni, lagak mcm tak sakit...hmmmmm

notakaki: ape en tunang tgh buat ek?...