reason: unknown
so, today, this kitchen is mine! hahahhaha...tuan rumah ade kelas the whole day untill evening, and my BFF got sick during the weekend so, here i am in the mood of cooking...yeahhhh!
what to cook: ikan bawal masak masam manis + sup sayur + sambal belacan (my fav) + nasi putih (of course)
heading to the morning market at Kangar bring me back to my memories when the earlier i was here in Perlis. the freshness of its fishes reattempting me. well, it is just a fish...yes! but it is a fresh fish taken from the sea without having them frozen. ok enough with the story at market...i need to cook so we all (me and housemate) can have lunch soon.
bawal sweet and sour + sup was that? hahahhaha....
today will cook sambal ikan + another sup sayur =)
notakaki: ...