a story about 'children' betrayed their 'parent'....understand???? hahahahha let me explain: the story begin when 3 olympians named zues, poseidon and hades battled the titans (whose i dunno what, their father probably) using hades creation which is kraken. then after the defeated of the titans, zues create human and ruled them while poseidan rules the sea. but, hades was sent by zues ti ruled underworld by getting the power from humans' fear instead of zues getting power from humans' love.
millenia after, human started to become greed and forget about praying to zues. this phenomena became worse and made the olympians angry especially zues. hades came to 'rescue' in order to punished human on behalf his brother zues....(moral from this is, don't ever go up against ur parents or u will meet the same or ever worst from ur children)
make the story short, this persues guy is the real rescuer when he had known for zues's son....becoming half human and half god will make he is the best from each. he got his own strength (probably just like hercules kot....heheheh, but i think persues is the older brother) and fight against his uncle (which is hades) in order to get revenge of killing his adopted family (teh one who raised him well) and to save the princess of argos, andromeda (whose i thaught was the heroin).
leter on as always, the hero won and andromeda was save and the kraken was dead. the real heroin was Io......zues then resurrect Io and they both (Io and persues) flew together.......the end
the story much like percy jackson cume the different is percy is the son of poseidon but in clash of the titans, persues is the son of zues....mmmmmm confius2
but anyway, from 10 i'll give 6
so, it's 6/10