I've decided to enter Siam today since it is the only day yang boleh enter free without a passport. Ahad at Wang Kelian...goin there with a bunch of people accompany by of course my BFF again, Azimah. she's the one yang ajak me to went here with her mother and a few of her relatives. gamble join skali, hahahahaha...saje je nak usha ape ade kt Wang Kelian nih than Padang Besar.....
Our first destination to arrive is imigration post at Malaysia side. really!!! no passport checking, no IC checking!!! hahahahaha.....mcm pendatang haram pun ade.
after a while walking at the pasar from Siam side...the one that interested them is anak ikan. wow...warna warni la ikan2 nih..geram la plak but i am not the one yg rajin membela makhluk2 nih....hahahahahaha
the one that i bought for my own self is hat...hahahaha. really hot la here although it is in the morning with the wind of forest but still the sunlight boleh join skali....mmg mcm minah indon pun ade skali pandang!!! hahahahah